Retain an overview with datec-control

Complete sand preparation

Learn more about cool_mix

To move and process between 50 and 300 to/h of used sand and moulding sand, numerous assembly units are used which are connected according to your requirements. Only with intelligent controls and measurement technology can sand treatment reveal its capabilities.

Cooler control system

Learn more about our cooler control systems

What is often underestimated is the used sand cooler. Because so many quality-influencing processes take place in it, it is the most important assembly unit apart from the mixer. Understanding it requires knowledge and experience from physics, to obtain optimal results from measuring the various effects in terms of management and measurement technology in a targeted manner.

Mixer control systems

Learn more about our mixer control systems

A mixer is not simply an agitator that just needs to be switched off at the end of the day. Very diverse, high-level quality-influencing processes take place which should be managed and regulated with a high level of understanding.

Energy management

Learn more about energy_control

It’s not only in smelting operations that electrical energy should be reduced. Sand treatment is the second-largest consumer; to reduce energy consumption, it is not necessary to make heavy investments for new motors. Sometimes they simply need to be switched off at the right time when they are not in use and then switched on again when they are needed.

Inspection control system

Learn more about inspection_control

Not all plant components can be completely automatically monitored and maintained. Regular visual walkarounds are essential. The inspection control system is used to safeguard procedural plans.

Fault analysis

Learn more about fault_analysis

The human memory is not always sufficiently reliable. It is more reliable to use a computerised evaluation to retrospectively assess how often a fault has taken place and the duration of faults. Decisions about ongoing repairs or requirements for replacement are given a solid basis.


Find out more about DView

Complex plant systems require intelligent visualisation, as in a control room. All the circumstances concerning the plant must be recognisable at a glance. Critical situations are highly significant and gathering information quickly is the objective. Representations, which require a significant effort to interpret with ambiguous riddle-like tasks, are unusable.